progressbar coworking bratislava meetup

Beloved & Brave Sponsors of Progressbar Cowork

HOSU | office solutions
HOSU | office solutions
We deal with analysis, design and furnishing of administrative spaces. Our aim is to effectively use the space of an organization and create a friendly workspace in which people work more efficiently and enthusiastically. Our approach focuses primarily on proper acoustics, ergonomics and sustainability. The result of our work is a functional design and comfortable workplace.
is a European financial technology platform focused on helping people to get access to digital currencies. BitPanther is a registered Slovakian company, compliant with Slovak and EU regulations.

Media & Network Partners

is a co-working space and community hub for blockchain, Web 3.0, and AI pioneers to connect, collaborate and build.
je startupový komunitný portál. Je štartovacou čiarou pre množstvo mladých ľudí. Takých, ktorí chcú zatriasť týmto svetom a ukázať že aj na Slovensku a v Čechách sú šikovní ľudia. Startitup je taktiež výnimočný tým, že je tu všetko zadarmo.
je portál pre IT ľudí, ale aj pre tých, ktorí s IT úzko spolupracujú – konzultanti, finančníci, obchodníci, personalisti, marketéri, apod. Nájdete u nás pracovné ponuky, tipy a rady ako sa ďalej posunúť v kariére a pohľad do sveta informačných technológii.
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Want to sponsor us? Your name will be known in our hackerspace & cowork. We hosted 1000+ technical and technological events so far. We can give you huge marketing push or find you geeks, engineers, software developers you are searching for. We are their daily place, where their come hangout on evenings or work during day.